About Me

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A fun-loving, reliable friend...husband, father, brother; Calm and cool-headed...I have the most adorable and beautiful wife that I can ever ask of God, and the cutest, most adorable bundle of joy in our two daughters and baby son...

Monday 29 November 2010

Tech Failure- Coffee Break!

Just a moment ago, I received a telephone call from a friend; issue at hand: Computer failure! The thought was about to get me mad and almost started off in support of her, as to why companies do not employ the right I.T systems and/or people. And then suddenly it hit me: it's actually a good thing for machines to hang and freeze and just be off once in a while, because of all the stress and people-headaches that actually go with such territory. So I simply smiled and encouraged her to indulge the moment and enjoy while it lasts, for such a time is when you get to appreciate the coffee-break that technological failure brings.

Holding onto God's favour...

A new day in the twinkling of an eye; new dreams flooding in, old dreams being relived..always hoping for the best and brightest of experiences to be unveiled before our eyes...that's how I feel each time I look up at the moon in the night sky- trusting that the next day will be better. Well, I keep waiting upon God for a countless number of blessings to pour through!

Monday 22 November 2010

When is the right time?

I always wake up, thinking, "What miracles does God have in store for me today?". In life, we naturally dream and think big, and make all sorts of plans, to achieve a better quality of life for ourselves, our families, so that we get to enjoy the comforts- and they are acceptable and good, from God! Well, we plan, and God brings it all out into focus and perspective.

Currently, I have a dilemma, and my decisions are forever being hampered by society, and what society deems acceptable, and what African society requires of the male child, blah, blah, blah.... I have received two incredible offers, have been shown favour, deadlines have been extended for me, however, the fact that all good things are worth the pocket!!! For sure, the dimes just seem to disappear at those such times. Nonetheless, I have the support and backing of my family. The saying and belief that getting new results comes from doing something different "differently" is about to come into play- just you watch this space!

Wednesday 10 November 2010

.....Wait Upon God...

Trust, faith, hope in God....all of these, and many more virtues, call for patience. The adage, "Patience Pays" is unique to all and applicable in all circumstances, however "badly" we are dying for something great or extraordinary to happen. And so I lie in bed, in the quiet darkness of the night, pondering plans, actions...steps to take..At the end of the sejour, it all boils down to the fact that whatever it is, it's not in my (human) strength, but for God!

And so I continue to have trust, faith and hope- ultimately to wait upon God!

Monday 8 November 2010

He watches over me, always!- Inspired by a friend...

A few weeks ago, while handling a work task, I got a sudden inclination to read through a friend's notes, and was greatly inspired, touched and encouraged to "recall" that my God is the "All- knowing God", and that in His fairness, He always looks out for me and my own. In life, we chase after so many things, truly not all of them being beneficial to us- but we cannot know that at the time...We simply pray to God for results. However, I am reminded that God looks out for my best interests and not simply the desires that I put forward. So, I choose to keep following Him as best as I can, and trust that He will always make straight the crooked paths!

Be blessed.

Letting Go Is Key!

My wife and I recently attended a dinner with a loving long-time-no-see family friend from outside countries; she had a burden of adopting and caring for a child who had years earlier been abandoned by the biological parents and immediate relatives, here in Ug...unfortunately, she visited Uganda with the mentality and knowledge of the legal system of the 1st world country she lives in- which is highly unapplicable to the Ugandan legal system, and for the cause she needed to achieve. Ultimately, she is frustrated...but at the end of the dinner, we parted on the agreed understanding that she had to let it go; to trust that God is watching over that child.

The lesson I learned: not to keep "forcing life" to make other people's wrongs right, especially where the latter are not willing to receive the benefit of doubt and possible help. In the end, God is our protector and keeper, He is the Father to the fatherless, and the husband to the widow.

Living in the days of Ezekiel....

Challenges come and worthwhile solutions cause them to go....we can never anticipate the time-frame for the clock is in the hands of God. Nonetheless, I have learnt that though trusting and waiting upon God for a breakthru' are tough, at the end of the day, it's the faith of the Ezekiel's in us that will raise and embody the dry bones- light at the end of the dark tunnel; warmth during the cold; happiness and good cheer through the sorrows of life; victory in times of trouble; and always a hope for tomorrow! For I know my miracle is fast coming round the corner.

The Greatest Joy.....

It's only normal for one to look back and follow the steps that one has taken through the twisting, winding, spiralling, not-too-straight- paths of life.....and to actually realise that God's blessings go before us and follow us each and every new day. And so, I must say the greatest joy in my life is my family...my adorable wife and our two lovely princesses of daughters!! They complete me in every way possible, and so give me a renewed sense of purpose- day-in, day-out...I am not perfect but I have a reason to live and to smile!


Dear All,

Welcome to this site....hope you have a jolly time as we share and simply reflect the goodness of life....